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Family Planning

Family Planning is making a family with the desired number of children with proper birth spacing. This allows everyone, especially the couples, to plan their future family. Proper family planning and the most common birth spacing is having children with a 3 to 5 years age gap.


Did you know?

A miscarriage can be safely managed with medication or with an office procedure requiring minimal anesthesia.

Importance and Benefits

Family planning allows the couple to have healthy children and mother by carefully planning their family which will prepare them for the future. Family planning mainly benefits the mother through better educational attainment, health care services, and involvement to the community and to her own household’s affairs.

Family Planning allows mothers to gain their energy after giving birth. It also provides enough time to focus on taking care of the child and the family. Time for her recovery can also be provided. Through Family Planning, children especially newborns will be taken care of well. Fathers will be more focused on their responsibilities for their families. Family Planning benefits each member of the family, and the family itself as well.


Types of Family Planning


Traditional Family Planning

Traditional or Natural Family Planning (NFP) refers to a family planning that uses the body's  natural physiological changes and symptoms to identify  he fertile and infertile phases of the menstrual cycle. Major methods include:


  • Periodic abstinence (fertility awareness) method

  • Use of breastfeeding or lactational amenorrhoea method (LAM)

  • Coitus interruptus (withdrawal or pulling out) method.


Modern Family Planning

Family planning refers to use of modern contraceptives or natural techniques to limit or space pregnancies. Some common modern contraception methods are:

  • Pills and IUD

  • Female and male sterilization

  • Injectables and implants

  • Male and female condom

  • Diaphragm and emergency contraception

What are the contraceptive methods?


Where can we go find information about family planning?

How can family planning help us to be financially aware?

More about Family Planning


What are the existing and programs in the Philippines that is mainly for Family Planning?

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